Friday, July 06, 2007

The eve of the start of my 25th year

So this is the day. It's the eve of the start of my 25th year. I can't believe that tomorrow, on 07/07/07, I will be a quarter century. The past 25 years have been some good years. I've grown and matured, started school, finished school and am now a working women. I've met amazing people along the way who have impacted my life tremendously. They've taught me what it means to live, to laugh, to cry, to fall and then to pick yourself up again. The have shaped who I am today. If there was one thing I wish I could have done more of, its to travel. But the bottom line is, I'm happy. I'm happy with where I am in my life today. I'm happy with the direction I'm heading and I'm excited for what the next 25 years have in store for me. I know they will be as amazing as the last.