Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today is Boxing Day (Canada's equivalent of Black Friday for my US friends). I'm not a big fan of Boxing Day. Don't get me wrong. I love the sales. But when you have demophobia, it's really not the best day of the year for you.

Demophobia - the fear of crowds. Yup. I hate crowds. I get anxiety when it comes to crowded places. My heart starts pounding and my breathe becomes short. I hate crowds.

It's also why I don't like going to sporting events, or concerts, or movies on opening day. I panic about finding parking, then I panic about standing in line, and then I panic about finding my seat. Finally, when I'm seated, I can relax. I know. You laugh. It's strange.

I never had demophobia when I was a kid. Or I could have and am only now old enough to realize what it is. I have figured out ways around it. For example, if I go to a hockey game, I go extremely early and wait for others to leave before me. It's like having an food allergy. You learn to eat alternatives and don't let the allergy rule your life. I'm getting better at living with demophobia. Like today. I braved the mall. Okay, so it wasn't the biggest mall in the city. It was one of those neighbourhood malls with 50 shops. But I did it and I'm proud of myself. Maybe next Boxing Day, I'll hit up a mall with 100 stores! For now, I'll stick to online shopping.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The hiatus is over - Part 2

So I find it funny that my last post was how I was going to start blogging again. And then I never did. Here I am, 14 months later, blogging again.

Seriously, this time for real, I'm going to blog on a more frequent basis. Let's be honest. It probably won't be everyday. I can't even tweet 140 characters on a regular basis. But I am going to try my very, very best. It's kind of like an early new years resolution. I realize that every post doesn't have to be a novel. I think that's what stopped me from blogging on a regular basis. And I realize that I don't have to be witty or creative. I just have to write. And see where the keyboard takes me. So let's raise our glasses to my early new years resolution - to regularly blog!

Oh yes, Merry Christmas.