Monday, December 31, 2012


At the end of every year, I like to take some time to reflect. And looking back, I realize what a year 2012 has been!

I read a quote today by CS Lewis - "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different..." Isn't that the truth?

For me, looking back, 2012 has been quite the ride. 2012 has had its ups and downs, births and deaths, lovely days and days of heartbreak. But when I look back I realize that despite all of that, I'm grateful.

I'm grateful for the unconditional love of my parents. I'm grateful for the protectiveness of my brother. I'm grateful for my friends who tell it to me like it is. I'm grateful for my job that I love, my health that I cherish, and most importantly my faith that keeps me strong. And it's with that faith that I know I'll have even more to be grateful for in 2013.

Hope you all have a happy and safe New Year. See you in 2013.

Monday, December 24, 2012

My obsession

So I have a confession to make. I have a little obsession. A guilty pleasure perhaps. I'm obsessed with nail polish. Yes, nail polish. Don't believe me?

This is a small selection of my collection. See, when I visited a friend in Toronto in September, she let me in on a little secret that her and her colleagues partake in. All the girls bring in their nail polishes to work, and share. Every girl knows that it's pretty much near impossible to go through a bottle of polish. So I told the girls at work, and now, we all have at our desks, our collection of nail polishes. 

The picture above is my work collection. Sadly I have pretty much the same collection at home. If you can't think of anything to buy me, buy me nail polish.

I do find it funny that I'm obsessed with nail polish. And here's why. 

If you know me, you know that I don't like change. Well it's not that I don't like it, I'm scared of it. I'm one of those people who like the tried and true.

That's why I think I like nail polish. It gives me the flexibility to change frequently, without being permanent. It allows me to push the boundaries of my fear, in a small, yet temporary way.

So on Christmas eve, I thought I'd go for the sparkly nail. Tomorrow, I'll change.

(No those are not my fingers. I'm not a hand model for a reason. Photo credit:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The hiatus is over - Part 3

I really need to get better at blogging. Here was my post from December 2010 (yes, 2 years ago).

"The hiatus is over - Part 2

So I find it funny that my last post was how I was going to start blogging again. And then I never did. Here I am, 14 months later, blogging again.

Seriously, this time for real, I'm going to blog on a more frequent basis. Let's be honest. It probably won't be everyday. I can't even tweet 140 characters on a regular basis. But I am going to try my very, very best. It's kind of like an early new years resolution. I realize that every post doesn't have to be a novel. I think that's what stopped me from blogging on a regular basis. And I realize that I don't have to be witty or creative. I just have to write. And see where the keyboard takes me. So let's raise our glasses to my early new years resolution - to regularly blog!

Oh yes, Merry Christmas."

Seriously - I'm serious this time. I'm going to blog on a more frequent basis. Seriously.