Monday, December 24, 2012

My obsession

So I have a confession to make. I have a little obsession. A guilty pleasure perhaps. I'm obsessed with nail polish. Yes, nail polish. Don't believe me?

This is a small selection of my collection. See, when I visited a friend in Toronto in September, she let me in on a little secret that her and her colleagues partake in. All the girls bring in their nail polishes to work, and share. Every girl knows that it's pretty much near impossible to go through a bottle of polish. So I told the girls at work, and now, we all have at our desks, our collection of nail polishes. 

The picture above is my work collection. Sadly I have pretty much the same collection at home. If you can't think of anything to buy me, buy me nail polish.

I do find it funny that I'm obsessed with nail polish. And here's why. 

If you know me, you know that I don't like change. Well it's not that I don't like it, I'm scared of it. I'm one of those people who like the tried and true.

That's why I think I like nail polish. It gives me the flexibility to change frequently, without being permanent. It allows me to push the boundaries of my fear, in a small, yet temporary way.

So on Christmas eve, I thought I'd go for the sparkly nail. Tomorrow, I'll change.

(No those are not my fingers. I'm not a hand model for a reason. Photo credit:

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