Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The hiatus is over - Part 3

I really need to get better at blogging. Here was my post from December 2010 (yes, 2 years ago).

"The hiatus is over - Part 2

So I find it funny that my last post was how I was going to start blogging again. And then I never did. Here I am, 14 months later, blogging again.

Seriously, this time for real, I'm going to blog on a more frequent basis. Let's be honest. It probably won't be everyday. I can't even tweet 140 characters on a regular basis. But I am going to try my very, very best. It's kind of like an early new years resolution. I realize that every post doesn't have to be a novel. I think that's what stopped me from blogging on a regular basis. And I realize that I don't have to be witty or creative. I just have to write. And see where the keyboard takes me. So let's raise our glasses to my early new years resolution - to regularly blog!

Oh yes, Merry Christmas."

Seriously - I'm serious this time. I'm going to blog on a more frequent basis. Seriously.

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